Recipes & Nutrition!

I’ve decided to add another layer to the proverbial yoga onion of life skills and am currently training to become a master nutritionist! I’ve been tired of outsourcing my health and completely frustrated and disappointed at the medical field and their lack of basic understanding of how food and nutrition effect just about every function of the body. I wanted to empower myself with this knowledge and learn for my own benefit how food can shift the entire mental, emotional and physical experience. I also want science and research to back up what I’m learning and choose a great program that focuses on hard science and adaptive nutrition for modern life.

As I play with food and mood, literally lol, and find creative ways to eat I’m sharing my recipes here! I’m tired of seeing orthorexia and disordered eating, not just in the yoga world but online especially. You don’t have to have expensive ingredients or only organic foods to be “good” or morally or socially accepted. You can eat what you can afford, what works for your chemistry and based on your unique biomarkers and what tastes good to you and fits in with your lifestyle. Shame based food conditioning and marketing is so last year and I’m over it and refuse to tolerate or contribute to it.

Food is so complicated. It’s nurturing, it’s emotional, it’s familial, it’s generational and ancestral, it’s social, its economic, it’s survival, it’s geographical, it’s mental health and wellness, and so much more. Our relationship to food and the state of our nervous systems are intricately connected and I’ll be writing more about this intersectionality between the two. They are not separate and deeply dependent on each other. As someone who’s struggled for decades to try to figure out the formula for myself I’m excited to share these delicious (to me!) breakthroughs in food science and recipes!

glass bowl with pink blended fruit topped with shreddd coconut flakes and hempseeds

Pink Berry High Protein Smoothie

Portions are relative to what you like, this is more about protein and content versus calories. If you are counting calories please be sure to measure according to your meal plans and needs! Always consult with your primary care physician or medical team to see if you are on any medications that certain foods or herbs might interact negatively with. I’m not certified yet and it’s important you do your own due diligence when bringing supplements or new foods into your diet!

IN a blender:

  • Frozen or fresh strawberries and raspberries - I got mine a Trader Joes and I was able to get organic - I like frozen because it creates this sorbet consistency and I like the cold! You can always add ice cubes if you are using fresh fruit and want it colder

  • Whey protein isolate - I put in 25 grams of protein powder - you can sub out any protein powder or source you prefer

  • Collagen prebiotic/probiotic protein powder - I really like Orgain brand, although it stays it adds 19 grams of protein I’m not certain it’s the same level as the whey which has all the BCAA aminos to make it a complete protein. Either way I know it helps my joints and gut microbiome!

  • Mushroom adaptogen mix - I like the super blend by the company OM

  • Maca powder also for added adaptogens

  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil - you could use flax, MCT or even olive oil - I just needed some healthy fat in there and wasn’t feeling avocado

  • Sweetner of choice - I like to blend, taste test and then add sweetner to my tastebuds, for this real maple syrup is great, but it may not need it depending on the sweetness of the fruit!

  • I added some water - I’m over the nut milks and tired of the guar gums, carrageen and fillers and don’t feel like making my own so water works!

  • Topped it off with hemp seed hearts - enough to add 10 grams of protein - they are high calorie FYI but I had taught 3 hours of yoga and was ready for calories!

  • Final flare of some coconut flakes for flavor, maybe a tablespoon? I’m thinking next time some bee pollen might be nice to add to this as well!

  • If you want it thicker add less liquid thinner add more!

You can see how I “ cook” lol I’m into the adaptogens and powders right now because my body has been under so much physical stress for so long running the studio solo. I’ve had to make some dietary shifts to help my body recover.


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